Thursday, August 21, 2008

What A Surprise!

So last Friday I was walking around the grounds of the Yerba Buena with my friend Marie-Jeanne. We decide to walk over the bridge that goes over the freeway and I notice that there are huge photos all along the side of the bridge. The very first photo I notice is of SoulForce! I scream, "Thats my company!" WTF? Apparently their photo was taken when they performed outside at Yerba Buena a few years ago for another dance festival. Its a beautiful photo and as I continued walking I noticed that it was up several more places. Wow!

So yesterday, after SoulForce tech rehearsal at the theatre at Yerba Buena , I took them over to the bridge to see the photo. We took pics of the photo and of them re-enacting the photo. (Only a few of the original dancers in the photo are still in SoulForce) .

By the way, the show last night was GREAT. SoulForce kicked ass! They were concerned that the modern dance audience would not appreciate hip hop. I was in the audience and felt the love.
There is till one more chance to see SoulForce in the West Wave Dance festival on Friday night at 7pm.

Love and Respect-

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