Hey I got this email from Dennis Infante -Dennis has been a major figure in the Bay Area dance community for a long time. Check it out and help out if you can.
Love and respect-
Friends. I need your help. pls readShare
Wed 11:02pm
Hey everyone,
I hope the new year is treating all of you well. I try my best not to ask people for help, but this time I have a small proposition for you. I am going to the Philippines to volunteer as a mentor for a project called Journey 2 Origin (by Passion Society Non-Profit Org), where we will teach FREE dance workshops for kids at various schools and cities.
All the mentors this year come from groups like DS Players, Groovmekanex, FunkanometrySF, Supreme Soul, Beatz N Pieces, and Nu-Origin/Chain Reaction. I think I have a lot more to offer in teaching the kids this year compared to my first year as a mentor. I really just want to spread the dance styles that I am good at, and give the kids a fun creative outlet that might make a difference in their lives later down the road.
We are leaving Jan 12-23rd and I am trying to fund raise to cover the rest of my expenses. The plane ticket was already purchased but I am trying to make this not come out of pocket as much as possible. Through a few donations (THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO DONATED) and money out of my own pocket, I was able to knock down the rest of the expenses a little lower than what it originally was.
So as much as I hate to ask for more donations, I instead want to give something to you in return. So I am selling different mix CDs that I've made between 2004-2009. They all range from old/new school hip-hop, soul, funk, r&b, 70s/80s and a few geared for popping/locking.
Here is the page where you can purchase the CDs or preview the tracks.
PREVIEW/BUY MIXES HERE http://www.passionsociety.org/images/products/products.html
I figured that if am able to accomplish either of the below, then that will be enough to cover the rest of the expenses:
-26 people buy the 6-disc set ($30 for the set, plus you get a 7th bonus CD for free)
-113 people buy one CD ($7 for one CD)
-65 people buy the popping/locking double set ($12)
I would really appreciate it if you are able to help out. This goes to a really good cause. If you want to see what Journey 2 Origin is about, here is a clip from our first year in 2005 that sums it all up:
*All proceeds from these CDs go towards the project. Anything else after the expenses are covered will just go towards the 2010 project. If you would like to donate more than just buying CDs, you can donate through the non-profit organization's site at http://www.passionsociety.org or write a check out to Passion Society Non-Profit Org. All donations can be written off during tax time since it is going to charity. Contact me if you have made a donation and would like the info to write it off.
Thank you all for even taking the time to read all of this.
God Bless,
Dennis Infante
[ds players / groovmekanex / nu-origin]
To help - go to--- http://passionsociety.org/images/sponsor_template/sponsor_blank.html
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