My dance company SoulForce recently was informed that they have been invited to perform this summer at the West Wave Dance Festival at the Yerba Buena Theatre in SF. Cool!
....Well, yesterday I received the following email from the the folks producing the festival, Dancers Group. The email contained info for us to know more about the festival. The following is the email that they sent as well as an email exchange that SoulForce had regarding the email . As you will see, we never really figured it out so anyone who wants to help us with this, please do. thanks
Once again, on behalf of Dancers' Group and DanceArt, we are delighted that you will be participating in the 2008 WestWave Dance Festival. You have been selected to present your work on Wednesday, August 20th and Friday, August 22nd, alongside 11 other artists.
The Festival:
This year’s WestWave Dance Festival celebrates our time-based medium and the ever-shifting landscape of dance forms in the Bay Area. We’re thrilled that you’ll be part of this week-long festival, which includes performances, film screenings, panels and the premiere of a commissioned site-specific work by Joanna Haigood,artistic director of Zaccho Dance Theater.
When DanceArt, Dancers’ Group & YBCA first began discussing the seeds for WestWave 2008, the questions asked that have resonated and stuck with us include:
• What does it mean to work within a time-based medium? How doesthis impact different genres and styles of movement?
• What’s the real Bay Area? What does it mean to be an artist living here? Born here? Does geography and place of residence really mean anything about artistry? Is there something fundamental about being a Bay Area artist?
In exploring these questions, we asked you to look at your work and how it might exist within a specific timeframe. We were amazed at the variety of responses, with artists exploring notions of pop culture and immediate gratification, the structural use of5 as a thematic element in the work, or taking a 35 minute work and seeing how it might be distilled into a coherent 5 minutes.Your work will exist next to artists working in a variety of genres, possibly hip-hop, Kathak, dance-theater, contact improvisation, Cambodian, ballet, Butoh, or many others. Audiencemembers who have come to see you
(or one of the other companies on your program) will also experience a number of other forms. Our goal is to reflect the diversity of artists creating work and to build a broader shared audience for dance. Your work will also sit within
the context of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts “Bay Area Now” triennial, focusing on the work of Bay Area artists.
As you prepare for the festival, we encourage you to explore the potential of this format as both a way of stimulating appreciation for your work and for the many diverse movement styles in our region.
Dancers' Group & DanceArt staff
(Micaya)- "Hey SoulForce
Heres info on the westwave festival. can you help me figure out what the fuck they are talking about? thanks! "
(Stephanie)- " I know I finished school like three years ago, but I HAVE NO EYE DEER!!!! what the fuck is a time based medium? a psychic in a rush? someone who's only got a few minutes in the middle? something you baste a chicken in for twenty
minutes? haahhahahaha.. "
(Brandy)- " i think they are saying dance is a time based medium. it's a medium that we use to express emotions, themes, etc. and it's created using time (counts, beats, rhythm, etc) damn, why can't they just say what they mean?"
(Clyde) - "............oh, lordy, I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head trying to read this... ... my guess would be: "the influx of time it takes for medium-based paint to dry"???? Did I win?"
(Daniel) - "also i think they are telling us that our pice must be 5 minutes long. from ehat i gather when they made the comment, " taking a 35 minute work and seeing how it might be distilled into a coherent 5 minutes".im not sure but its a guess. "
(Kimmy)- "Guys! This is totally modern dance vocabulary..........lol! The way I understand it is.......How can we use time as a tool, in our pieces(dance), lives, etc How do you change a dance piece when changing i.e how long it is.......when it happens/could have happened, just using "time" physically/literally or figuratively as an idea to play with."
(Daniel)- "Kimmy I Think you just did more damage than the email we recieved. LOL no for real."
(Natalia)- "omg!!! haha i love you guys! reading all those in a row was funny as hell!!! Im so brain dead today my classes killed lol...ill prolly have better luck readin this tomorrow, but damn yall made my night! LOVE U! "
(Mitchell) - "Queeeeeeeee? (whaaaaaaaaaat?) "
(Christina)- "wow.. haha all your guesses are so funny, I didn't even read the original.. I got distracted every time I tried to start reading it.. sorry hee hee..me too I'll try again tomorrow"