Here is some more random feedback that my panel had regarding the companies auditioning for the SFHHDF
-some amateur dancers
-not sure what to make of the choreography
-A lot of the movements were sloppy and not smooth
-spacing needs work
- piece needs clarity
-moves too basic
-not enough hip hop
-the second piece was more interesting
- like that it was different
-some of the movements were weird
-choreography in beginning was predictable
-performance quality lacking
-ending was confusing and left me hanging
-costumes were sloppy
-did not exude sex appeal
-bring your top dancers- not your students
-dancers need more experience
-dancers need more training and rehearsals
-dancers looking around at each other for choreography
-dancers need to follow through with their movements as much as possible
-the music and choreography did not match sometime
- i expected more
-couldnt follow story line
-uneven amount of strong dancers
-needs more energy
-watch your timing
-need more eye contact/connection with audience
-story uninteresting/unoriginal
-looks like they are enjoying themselves
-nothing new or different
-didnt really understand the story-not interesting
-music mix and costumes need work
-concept needs structure
- do not rely on the music to tell the story- let choreography do that
-dance has more position changes in the beginning than actual movement
-dancers that are supposed to be offstage should stand in wings
- liked the music mix but the dance did not deliver, music overpowered the movement
-krumping was weak
-clean up the movements
-solo not good
-not ready for Palace of Fine Arts
-waiting for the climax/build up...needs to happen sooner
-didnt keep my attention
-has potential- needs work
-levels of dancers skill varies greatly
-costumes are not working for the piece
-its not ready for the SFHHDF and the Palace of Fine Arts
-Movements need to be sharper
-bad animation
-needs more stage presence
- solo not working (average)
- my eye stayed on the director most of the time and not the other dancers
-slow but not filling space
-extend your movements to the fullest
-nice potential
-needs to change levels of intensity
-ending was weak- could have been really strong
-nice beginning
-soloist needs to be stronger
-choreography needed to be more precise and stronger
-piece did not stay on the same level (was up and down) didnt keep my attention
--nice to see something different
-dancers were soft/movement was soft
- not enough performance power
-timing was off
-dancing didnt compliment the energy of the music
-Dancers can not handle the Palace of Fine Arts stage yet
-weak dancing to strong music
-dancers need much more training
-dont show that you messed up
-choreography dragged
- commit to the movement
-lock arms for sharpness
-concept of the piece unclear
-dancers that are supposed to be offstage should be in the wings
-very "danceteam" feel
- master the old school movement
- find your voice and dont be afraid to take artistic risks
-b-boy stuff was weak
-nice energy
-unoriginal choreography (especially the jazz)
-Seems like a drill team feel
- nothin new or original
- listen to the music/timing
- music mix does not flow or make sense (check levels in sound with each song)
--color concept is nice but the girls look scruffy and not put together in their appearance
-its all about formations - ---what else?
-needs more passion/fire
- dont adjust costumes on stage
- just not strong enough or original enough to be booked for the SFHHDF
- no connection with the audience
- performance levels varied too much
-one dancer pulling focus
-sometimes looks like they are marking the dance
- not a good use of the stage- in one position too long
-the music mix was not good
-choreography was basic and not effective
- dont lip synch the words to the song (unless choreographed that way)
- bad ending
- some dancers stronger than others (distracting)
- the movements were too small and soft
- take hip hop classes
- get more choreography experience (especially hip hop)
- do not rely for the songs tell the story - let the movement tell the story
Hope that helps!
Love and Respect-