Friday, September 5, 2008


Some people feel that if they have taken dance classes for a few years, they deserve to be on stage performing. As with any art form, there is so much training one must do before they should EVER even consider being an ambassador of that art form. I find it appalling that there is this sense of entitlement with dance students that do not keep their humility.

The wikipedia definition of entitlement-
Entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits because of rights, or by agreement through law. It also refers, in a more casual sense to someone's belief that he/she is deserving of some particular reward or benefit.[1] It is often used as a negative term in popular parlance (i.e. a 'sense of entitlement'). The legal term, however, carries no value judgment: it simply denotes a right granted. In clinical psychology and psychiatry, an unrealistic, exaggerated, or rigidly held sense of entitlement may be considered a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Dancers- please train and learn as much as possible without expectations to be in a dance company. When you are ready, it will happen, until then keep humble. pay your dues and train.

Love and respect-

1 comment:

Dudley said...

I whole heartedly agree! And, to add to the plate, even if one is in a company (professional or otherwise) or at "a higher level" of dancing - continue to practice humility, continue to train and learn from your teachers, directors, AND fellow dancers. The learning and growing process doesn't end once you hit the stage. Plus, as professional dancers, WE become role models for others aspiring to be at the professional level.

"Every day is a school day." :)