so here goes-
-I have been sending around a videographer to tape short shout outs from the long standing Bay Area hip hop dance community leaders. There will be a short video montage played before every show with these shout outs in them. They are real good!
-We are getting more food for the VIP party this year. Last year there wasnt too much, but this year we will have much more! And of course, plenty of booze!
-I am still getting the final file from the guy who is doing the art work for the gear. We are doing black shirts etc with different color graphic on them in foil. Foil is very shiny stuff. I cant wait to see this done. Its gonna be very nice!
-Im getting posters and fliers soon, if you want to be part of the SFHHDF street team , please contact us at info@sfhiphopdancefest.com and
-If you want to volunteer during the weekend of the show, email us at the same email address above and I will forward your email to the volunteer coordinator
-The filmmaker of the documentary just alerted me last week that he is not going to make it to the DanceFest! However he is sending a very knowledgeable replacement to answer questions for the Q & A after his film. crazy huh?
-I just got an email from an out of town company that might not make it at all this year due to an illness. I will update you as soon as I confirm this for sure .dont worry, i have alternate companies that are fab!
OK Thats enough for now y'all. I will keep you updated on this journey. Thanks for reading!
love and respect-
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing !
This is like having a long term backstage pass :-)
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