This week I had a student say to me literally that she has a "lump in her throat" feeling of emotion when she is in class. I can not stop thinking of this.
Of course I can be as supportive as I can , but Id like to try a new approach just this time.
If any of you have had similar feelings while taking class, please comment. Hopefully when I see the student again next week , I can direct her to read the blog with all your comments. This way she (and maybe you) will not feel like the only one who feels this way.
Love and respect
i would ask her what specifically she is worried about. if she is worried we are judging her for not getting the choreography, i would emphasize no one is there to judge anyone. we are there to enjoy the music, enjoy each other and release some stress from our day jobs. i hope she isn't judging herself. it takes time to get better and if she can give herself the time and space, she will prevail :)
I often feel I am not good enough- but know if I came every week I would be the shit. I think my biggest insecurity is that I dont look good physically but that is my own prob.
I think you should make everyone raise their hand in class that feels unconfident and she will see we all have fear but can only get through it by not allowing it to take us over.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow.
brandy from soulforce chiming in on the "lump in the throat" during dance class. i have been taking micaya's classes for, well pretty much forever :) and there still are times when i get nervous. like when we split in groups and one group sits in front while the other group dances, or when she makes us face a different direction, sheesh! i just realize that my nervousness is produced by me and i shake it off. if i mess up i smile and laugh and keep movin. micaya does not attract divas, people don't come to her class so they can judge they come to dance and sweat and be free!
i often feel "not good enough" to be in the dance class and some other dance classes. am slow at processing and remembering the choreography...also, not having done hip hop before micaya and roco, am self conscious that my moves look ridiculous next to others who are more experienced and seem to move that way easier. BUT i love love love dance and music and just keep telling myself over and over..."it's all for fun ...it's all for fun...it's all for fun!!"...and really, that is what keeps bringing me back is how much fun it is! before the class starts i feel like there is still time to run back out the door...but at the end of the class..i feel relaxed and relieved and proud of myself that i did what i always tell my children- .as lee ann womack sings..."when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, i hope you'll dance !!" :)
Micaya was my first Hip Hop teacher ever, now I dance with an awesome company. One thing I learned taking classes and during rehearsals, we are all looking at OURSELVES! It's natural to be nervous but trust in Micaya she is all about love of dance not judgement. The only way to get rid of that nervousness is to keep doing it, eventually you forget to be nervous and start to have so much fun!
Either spit or swallow it! Just kidding!!!
I've been taking Micaya's classes for over two years, and yes I still get nervous sometimes, and mess up a lot. It's the way it is with something new. Micaya's said it many times that you're in class to learn the dance, just like in Physics class you're not expected to know all the formulas and stuff when you come in...you learn it.
As for people's fear of judgment, I think most people are focused on getting the routine down for themselves. They already have a tough time worrying about how they're doing, much less worry about how you're doing.
And if nothing else, just like Claudine said, just have fun! Besides, it's not only YOUR $$, and YOUR time, and YOUR energy, it's YOUR LIFE. Enjoy it.
'Nuff said.
I've had my doubts about coming to class, but once I am there, the doubts disappear in the sweat, fun and music. I am continually learning (in my forties...) that it is ok to do things just because you LIKE them! You don't actually have to be good at them. After all, there is no audience here and there is no goal to look good to others. What others? Everyone else is just there to have fun! Keep telling yourself, as I do, that life is about living and despite our self-doubts, we can't just sit and watch.
i love the community micaya has built and continues to build. really great peeps! micaya - i know you hear this all the time but i have to tell you once again how amazing you are!
I always feel self conscious, and hate my body. All of that. I would say to her, feel the pain anyway while honoring the passion she has for the dance. She must find and honor the passion.
Micaya, you're really good at letting us know we should not take to heart our insecure feelings.
Hope my thoughts help.
I've had similar feelings when I first started going to dance classes. my advice is "Keep your eyes on Micaya" no one is going to teach dance classes with more love - unless your mama teaches dance, well than she's the exception but otherwise! Yeah. peace.
Dance class is time set aside for you to have fun and feel yourself moving. However you are or aren't doing it at that time doesn't matter, it's not an audition !
It's 'for me' time, without being 'about me' time.. (huh ? oh well, it just came out that way...)
We all feel self-conscious to a certain degree. It's called the ego, which is like a survival mechanism. I wanted to address this first, because having an ego is not a bad thing, but in dance this ego can get in the way.
I think (and continue to practice this) the key thing is not worry about what everyone else is doing or thinking, but rather focus on yourself and what you're trying to achieve.
Also, don't be concerned if you're being watched, but expect that and understand that it's a necessary factor in performing arts. We need to learn from one another--what works and what doesn't.
Lastly, we need to be open-minded to accept criticism in order to improve and know that it's never to deter us from expressing ourselves.
I completely understand your reservations. Often times I just have to tell my self to "get over it and focus on the task at hand."
OMG what have I started...the girl with the "lump" The lump was outta frustration cuz I wasn't getting (& often struggle) with the choreography. Not cuz I care about how I look or what people think. I'm my own worst enemy (scorpion). I am hard on myself when I don't put it together. BUT I WON'T GIVE UP. Thanks for all your concern and words of wisdom!
Aside from Micaya being the best most supportive teacher ever, here is one more reason no one needs to feel self-conscious in class. When we break up in groups, who do you watch? Don't you watch best people to try to learn from them? How often have you looked around for someone who wasn't getting it and thought "oh he/she is so bad." Never, right? So once you realize that unless you look super good, no one is watching you, you can get over the whole nervous thing!
Okay I haven't taken class in years, but I used to take Micaya's class like four times a week for years and one thing I always remember her saying, that you can apply to almost anything in life, is ' you can only be where you are at today, you'll always be a little bit better than yesterday and not quite as good as tomorrow" something like that, so whenever I get really nervous about something, I always remember that and it always helps, peace and love, J
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