Ill start today with Music Im using in class
SF "Outta your mind" by Lil Jon
Marin "Let me C it" by Petey Pablo
Allright-- Let me begin with the fact that tomorrow is the SFHHDF Auditions. I really dont know what to expect yet. It is one big experiment. Basically my idea was that I had several things I wanted to accomplish by trying it this way---
1. to have the panel and myself see the companies audition in a theatre setting
2. to allow local dance companies stage time and public recognition
3. to allow the bay area audiences get a sneak peek into the SFHHDF audition process as well as get acquainted with local companies.
I will certainly blog after tomorrow to give you my take on how it went. I also would love your feedback as well.
there have been SEVERAL companies that have DROPPED OUT at the last minute !!! What does that say to you people? Ill tell you what it says to me....
Im investing in you and then you can not get you S*$^ together to put one piece together to audition?
I put the notice out about these auditions in MARCH!!!!!! What the hell? Am I crazy to try to give you a chance. I have always been about helping out the hip hop dance community- so i am super confused as to why they dont take me up on what I have to offer>
Thats all i got to say right now. more to come
love and respect
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