Allright here is whats up
I got an email from the MTV show "made" regarding hiring a made coach for one of their episodes. They specifically were looking for the coach to be 25-35 years old. ...Well!
I wrote them back saying that I could certainly hook them up with whatever they were looking for, but I havent heard from them. I guess they already got someone.
I am one of the judges this Saturday for the Collaboration show at the San Ramon Performing Arts Center. This show is presented by Dance Unlimited in Vallejo. I will let you know how it goes.
I have been VERY patiently waiting for both of my graphic designers to show me some things we are working on....as soon as i get something I am going to use, I will show it to you
Performance Workshop enrollment is going on- if you have not enrolled yet to be in my performance workshop, do so!
Love and Respect