Thursday, March 11, 2010

It comes back

So I promised I'd write about the SoulForce auditions. Here goes....

I really feel the necessity to be very clear with people as much as possible. I dont like to lead them on or give them the a different impression of what to expect other than the truth. When people audition for SoulForce I talk to them at length about a various amount of topics. Two of these topics are,
1. If you are looking for a mainstream hip hop company to dance with, this is not the company you are looking for.
2. We rehearse until midnight! It may sound glamourous, but once you have done it , its a different story.

So needless to say, they have been droppin like flies honey. midnight is not as sexy as it sounds i guess. bless their hearts for trying!

One dancers still stands though and we all adore him. His name is Zak. When he was auditioning that night, I glanced down at the paper he filled out for us. Under experience, he wrote that his first dance class was with me at age 7! Oh wow! really!??
I do now who know he he is but would have never recognized him otherwise.

more to come

love and respect

1 comment:

moviequyn said...

I had a dream I finally made it on to SF!