Wednesday, April 28, 2010

there just arent enough bitches..

i just made it to rome so i will make this short, but not sweet. I was supposed to leave sunday but continental airlines refused me to board my flight because my barcode on my passport wasnt scanning. its an older passport but it wasnt expired.
ive spent the last several days going crazy getting an emergency passport and changing all my travel plans.
I was planning on hangin out in rome for the week before i go to the breakin convention this weekend in london.
i am here in rome now so all is good.
it was just a freakin nightmare and perhaps i will write more about it later-
or maybe not - we will see

as my dear friend andrea said to me when i told her i finally got a boarding pass to travel "there arent enough bitches in this world to stop you "
thanks andrea
i will let you all know how breakin convention goes

love and respect

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