right now im on a plane on my last leg of my trip. im so ready to be back home- love my life!
Heres more on the Breakin Convention
I had the opportunity to see the group Big City Brains from Denmark twice. I enjoyed it even more the second time. It was a lighthearted clever lovable animation style piece. It started out with an awesome solo and then three dancers entered and performed the rest of the piece. The soloist from the beginning doesnt come out again until the very end , which is lightly weird,but at least he comes out again.
There were so many cute skits that were done so very well in this piece. The timing had to be impeccable for the sound effects and for the lighting effects to actually bring the whole thing together.
They did cute stuff with a virtual remote control, many different "doors" they kept going through only to find themselves in many different scenarios. The audience thought it was hilarious. It was so silly but so amazing at the same time.
There was one section where one guy was doing the effect of walking in heavy wind. Between the sound effect , light and his incredible skill of animation , I was Blown away! It was so cool!
Another performance was Renegade from Germany. This was an hour long piece that fused hip hop, performance art modern dance, b-boying and bike tricks ! There was a conjoining of dancers and choreographers from two worlds of dance that seemed to work- at least for me. The audience was NOT feeling the modern dance . Actually at times, it did seem long.
They danced to very loud heavy metal music, classic music, pop music, and some music that sounded like opera that had cat and horse sounds underneath ....(im serious!)
There were buckets, jackets, bikes, cigarettes lit and smoked on stage.
There was competition between the dancers, for jackets, the bike , the woman.
The b-boys did some pretty amazing stuff- some of it was just stellar jaw dropping and some was like you were watching them do power moves in slo mo!
There were times while I was watching this piece where I just wanted to take a photo or paint a portrait of what I saw. There were still images that lasted in the mind sometimes longer than the movement itself did.
More to come- stay tuned
Love and Respect
Poppin Pete and me
Jonzi D and Danny Francis
Plague (reppin the SFHHDF t-shirt!)