Im so hot for this image. This will be on all of our promo materials. Much thanks again to Soul Sector- Naytron, Pharside, Bionic, Jardy and Mikey Disko!
Thanks also to Bing (Sterling) for the rockin graphics. every year, she not only takes the picture, but then she works the shit out of it honey!
I cant believe that 10 years ago Bing and I playfully came up with ideas for the first annual SFHHDF. "Playfully" is the operative word here. If we all substituted the word "play" every time we we say "work" , i think that more creative energy will flow. Not to mention that there is so much more joy in the process.
Anyway- Here is the image- whaddaya think?
it's hot alright, almost as hot as this amazing new blog!!! I'll be checking this every day. countdown to dancefest begins now!!!! love from your ladybug.
I like it! Colorful and full of motion.
Doctor Law
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